Events – Enrich in LAC Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:59:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – Enrich in LAC 32 32 The ENRICH in LAC European Entrepreneur Expedition: A Rewarding Exchange Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:26:35 +0000

The ENRICH in LAC European Entrepreneur Expedition...

…held from the 4th to the 6th of December 2023, was a comprehensive knowledge exchange in the historic Portuguese cities of Porto and Coimbra, and presented itself as a remarkable opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs, and applied research organisations from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to explore the dynamic Portuguese Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) landscape.

Seven entrepreneurs came from Brazil and Colombia and engaged in some visits to business hubs, incubators, and research & technology centres and event participation.

The curated group of entrepreneurs by ENRICH in LAC spanned various sectors such as IT, transportation and logistics, investment, industry, and waste management.

The European Entrepreneur Expedition had the following agenda:

European Entrepreneur Expedition Agenda
The entrepreneurs delved into the vibrant atmosphere of Lionesa Business Hub, discovering a space that fosters collaboration between multinationals, SMEs, and soon startups. Sat riverside, Lionesa’s tight link with universities and research institutes creates a fascinating gateway for emerging talent. Lionesa’s approach differs from the rest with its successful insertion of art & culture, engaging activities, open spaces, nature, shops, and cultural heritage through one corridor.

Following up, the entrepreneurs were introduced to their hosts (SPI) facilities during their visit to Porto, which is one of the ENRICH in LAC consortium partners. SPI is a consultancy company that stems from the need for interaction between the private and public sector, as well as with research institutes and universities.

A small and quick presentation on SPI, ENRICH in LAC and its history as well as a roundtable to foster engagement between the participants were done.

Top cap the first day of the Expedition, the final visit was at CEiiA, were their state-of-the-art facilities as well as their cooperation with players worldwide within the aviation, agroforestry, defence, space, and automobile industries were on display. CEiiA’s impeccable track record, global reputation, and pivotal engineering contributions to product development were showcased, captivating the attention of entrepreneurs with enticing possibilities for collaborative and creative solutions.
Moreover, some of the spin-offs born out of the centre captivated the attention of the entrepreneurs based on the innovative approach and design of some products developed at CEiiA.

On the 5th of December 2023, the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe, a place of heritage, tradition, but also of continuous novelty and innovation organised the event “Inovação@UC 2023”, held at Convento de São Francisco in Coimbra. The full-day event showcased the extensive portfolio of ideas, projects, graduated companies & spin offs, as well as ongoing projects led, coordinated, or in which the University of Coimbra contributes to. Most of the abovementioned projects had participation, leadership or originated from ideas of the university’s alumni. Finally, to understand the importance of the event, the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology and Higher Education, Engª Elvira Fortunato, closed the session with a speech.

The entrepreneurs were able to connect with the innovation hub of Coimbra, and network with fellow attendees and speakers at the event.

On the final day, the entourage visited IRIS. The incubator for social innovation formerly located in Amarante, is associated with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the fostering of social impact, innovation and development projects. The visit was quite productive as it provided the means for potential transatlantic cooperation between Latin America and Europe in the scope of educational goals of a ongoing project at IRIS.

The last stop of the entourage was at UPTEC. The entrepreneurs quickly got acquainted with the inner workings of UPTEC, its spectrum of companies hosted at the centre, which have access to a multitude of services, such as consulting, business development, and soft landing. All these services are part of the graduation programmes set up for start-ups, which usually come in still in a seedling stage and take the opportunity to grow and prosper through the ecosystem generated in and around UPTEC. The Start-ups’ thematic areas range from marine tech, climate tech, waste management and IT. Its connection to the University of Porto, compounded with its financially sustainable model, provides a platform to gather the unique entrepreneurial talent not only of the University but of this industrial region of the country.

ENRICH in LAC and its partners send their heartfelt thanks to the entrepreneurs, and representatives of the visited institutions. A special remark for another ENRICHing experience and a proof of great service.

ENRICH in LAC: Internationalisation Session for SMEs 2.2 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 15:48:21 +0000

Event Overview:

We are excited to share an upcoming event hosted by the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs in Latin America and Caribbean (ENRICH in LAC). ENRICH in LAC will be conducting an internationalisation session tailored for SMEs, entrepreneurs, innovators, business owners, and representatives keen on expanding their horizons to Europe, with a special focus on Portugal.

Agenda Highlights:

Speakers: Pedro Henriques from BRIDGE IN

  • Opening Session
  • ENRICH in LAC Centre and its services
  • Portugal as a Business Destination:
  • Key metrics, safety, population happiness, infrastructure;
  • Establishing Business Operations in Portugal
  • Employer of Record: Building and hiring a team without setting up a business in Portugal
  • Setting up a Business, Subsidiaries, or Branches in Portugal: Cost, Time, and required Documents
  • Being an Employer in Portugal:
  • Contracts, Common Benefits, Labour Law, and Tax
  • Work Culture in Portugal
  • Q&A

Session Details:

  • Date: 15th of December, 2023
  • Time: 15h00 CET
  • Platform: Online

Welcome to the 1st Edition of International Business Meetings between Brazil and Portugal! Mon, 13 Nov 2023 09:33:05 +0000

About the Event:

Join us on November 29, 2023, for an exclusive virtual event brought to you by the Embassy of Brazil in Lisbon and the Brazilian Association of Home, Decoration, Gifts, and Household Articles (ABCasa), with the valuable support of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), and the Portuguese Business Association (AEP).

This groundbreaking event aims to foster international collaboration in the home decoration, gifts, and household goods sectors. Organized by EEN Brazil and EEN Portugal in collaboration with the Embassy of Brazil in Lisbon, it presents a unique opportunity for Brazilian and Portuguese companies to connect, explore potential collaborations, and pave the way for future partnerships.

About Enterprise Europe Network (EEN):

EEN, a programme of the European Union, is dedicated to promoting the growth and internationalisation of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). In Brazil, the EEN consortium, which ENRICH in LAC integrates, is coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict). To learn more about EEN Brazil, visit here.

How to Participate:

  • Date: November 29, 2023

  • Format: Virtual

  • Platform: B2Match

  • Registration: Click here to register

  • Participation is free. 

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will guide you through the registration process, help create your cooperation profile, identify potential partners, and schedule meetings.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking international business collaboration! Register now and connect with industry leaders.

Join the sixth Brasil Investment Forum (BIF) 2023 Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:31:34 +0000

The sixth edition of the Brazil Investment Forum (BIF), the largest event dedicated to attracting foreign investments in Latin America, will be hosted at the Palácio Itamaraty, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brasília, on November 7th and 8th. 

BIF is a collaborative effort between the Brazilian Federal Government, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). Its core mission is to gather executives worldwide interested in investing in Brazil. In the last edition, over 6,000 registered participants from more than 100 countries participated.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva shall inaugurate this years’ edition, and additional prominent figures from the private sector and government will feature. A range of initiatives to attract investment will be showcased, such as those offered by the Growth Acceleration Programme (PAC), moreover, the numerous speakers present will delve into topics such as: energy transition, sustainable development, innovation, technology, and agribusiness.

ApexBrasil, one of the event’s organizers, is an institutional partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) in Brazil. EEN, an EU programme, promotes the growth and internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In Brazil, this network is managed by a consortium and coordinated by Ibict, a research unit linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI).

Ibict will be present at the event through its researchers and Márcio Canedo, a researcher at Ibict and coordinator of EEN Brazil, who said the following: “The Ibict represents a major player in technological information. Participating in this forum is incredibly important for us to identify needs and gather information for future digital platforms focusing on investments in Brazil,” 

ENRICH in LAC hopes to see its members at the Brazil Investment Forum.

Learn more about BIF, and register here.


ENRICH in LAC Twinning Programme: Successful Concept Proof. Thu, 26 Oct 2023 08:41:02 +0000

ENRICH in LAC recently delivered the much-anticipated Twinning Programme. The aim of the network was to connect Latin America and Europe. The two-day event, on October 16th and 17th, provided a platform for Soft Landing Hubs to showcase their services, organisation, regional reach and scope, and industry expertise through engaging pitches. The Matchmaking Session allowed the intertwining of SMEs aspirations with Soft Landing Hubs’ service packages. Interestingly, Soft-Landing Hubs discussed and shared ideas, best practices, challenges, and connected with other Hubs thought relevant for collaboration on the Roundtable/Innovation Talk introduced.

ENRICH in LAC strives to position itself as a reference point between market connaisseurs and those who aim to take the first steps towards internationalisation and beyond-border expansion. The Twinning Programme was a positive proof of concept for future replication.

Here you can find the Soft Landing Hubs that pitched at the event:

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who participated and actively engaged during the event. For all the Soft Landing Hubs that pitched, partners, and SMEs, your involvement was greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned for more events, learning opportunities, networking, and exciting announcements from ENRICH in LAC.

The ENRICH in LAC Innovation Tour: Sealed and Delivered Thu, 12 Oct 2023 17:46:45 +0000

The ENRICH in LAC Innovation Tour

Was held from the 25th to the 29th of September, was a comprehensive exploration of innovation in Brazil, and presented itself as a remarkable opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs and applied research organisations to explore the dynamic Brazilian Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) landscape, alongside key stakeholders in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region and as a group from Europe.

The Innovation Tour had the following agenda:

Innovation Tour Agenda

CNPEM - 25th of September

The entourage visited the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas, a multidisciplinary centre that actively engages in national science, technology, and innovation initiatives. The centre has advanced facilities such as the LNBR and Sirius, which employ particle accelerators to produce synchrotron light for atomic-scale material studies. Their focus extends to virus research, discovering new materials, and understanding their impact on the environment. CNPEM also collaborates with startups and other partners to drive innovation, notably in the development of the intense X-ray catalyst called Synchrotron.

Braskem - 25th of September

On the same day, the industry visits started at Braskem, a global company with presence on five of the six continents, which is actively engaged in open innovation with a focus on sustainable practices. For instances they turn sugar cane into ethanol in Triunfo, Rio Grande do Sul, for the production of polyethylene, with an emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly processes. One of their notable initiatives is the launch of Sustainea, a company that produces bioMEG and bioMPG. These substances are crucial in the production of PET (polyethyl terephthalate), used in various applications, including textiles and beverage bottles. Sustainea plans to implement three industrial plants, with the first expected to operate in 2026. The entourage was able to visit the laboratories where the research and development happens throughout all its stages. ENRICH in LAC is honoured to have Braskem as one of its members. 

Natura - 26th of September

Natura, a company known for its commitment to innovation and nature inclusiveness, presented its approach to open innovation and manufacturing. They have exclusive partnerships for skin test ingredients and collaborate with universities, including an Open Lab at USP, and have not used animals in their products testing procedures since the early 2000’s. Additionally, their factory in the Amazon starts from TRL 1, identifying new plant species with constant consultation of traditional knowledge from surrounding native Amazon inhabitants, instilling social responsibility actions for the sustainable development of these communities whilst ensuring sustainable harvesting of the natural and exotic ingredients that Natura seeks for its products. Natura is involved extensive research and employs 262 R&D scientists, focused on fragrance, technology, and ecosystem development. Moreover, their highly automated manufacturing plant in Cajamar can produce 33 million products per month. Laborers can flexibly exchange roles throughout production. They maintain an area of reserved Atlantic rainforest around the Cajamar plant to align with their nature-inclusive philosophy and are carbon-neutral. Finally, Thadeu de Ávila Ribeiro Junqueira, Member of the Board of ENRICH in LAC, provided a in-depth presentation about Natura, its values, history, future plans, environmental and social responsibility activities. ENRICH in LAC is thrilled to have Natura as one of its members. 

Internationalisation Session for SMEs - 26th of September

The Internationalisation Session for SMEs, provided by ILM Group and FCR Law, offered a comprehensive agenda designed to assist SMEs in their expansion into the Brazilian market. It covered a range of critical topics such as: an overview of Brazil’s international significance and potential benefits and challenges for Brazilian companies; the unique characteristics of the Brazilian market, encompassing cultural, bureaucratic, and tax aspects, and provided insights into entry strategies, emphasizing the importance of market research and product adaptation. The legal and regulatory environment in Brazil was also discussed, with a focus on aspects relevant to the specific segment of companies attending the event. The session concluded with a Q&A, enabling participants to seek clarification and deepen their understanding of the internationalisation process, with a particular focus on the Brazilian market.

Innovation Talk and Roundtable - 26th of September

Following the Internationalisation Session for SMEs the Innovation Tour participants were greeted with an Innovation Talk and Roundtable on “New technologies for the production and application of Green Hydrogen” which had panelists from Toyota, FAPESP, SENAI, ANEPI and was moderated by Plug and Play. A diverse range of companies attented and actively engaged in the conversation about the future of Green Hydrogen in Brazil, predictions of industry trends, policy challenges and potential changes, ongoing research and finally about the unique ecosytem in Brazil that can enhance innovation in Green Hydrogen. Some of the companies that participated were: Embraer, Siemens, Intermediano, Cipatex, Aegea and SPI.

CNI and SEBRAE's International Industry Innovation Summit - 26th, 27th and 28th of September

The entourage participated and took the opportunity to network and get to know the innovation ecosystem in Brazil, at the International Industry Innovation Summit arranged by CNI and SEBRAE. Several Start-ups, research centres, industry giants and entrepreneurs were present at this event. All booths present had something to engage and spark interesting conversations about innovation, research and sustainable development in the aviation industry, automotive, construction, energy solutions, agriculture, future food and many more.

Embraer - 29th of September

To cap off the Innovation Tour, the entourage visited Embraer, one of the world’s leading commercial aircraft companies, which has achieved remarkable success in commercial and executive aviation, defense, and security by embracing innovation. The company’s commitment to innovation is evident through their Innovation Index. Embraer noticed that when they do not innovate as quickly their revenue from products launched in the last five years drops. Their collaborative innovation ecosystem comprising affiliates, R&D, support services, and various partners spark this innovation that is crucial for the sustainability of their business model and market competition. They focus on taking R&D projects from basic research to product and service development, and global partnerships have been pivotal in their journey. Embraer’s open innovation program targets areas like zero emissions, autonomous flight, AI, data science, passenger experience, and more. They have also introduced innovative projects like “Eve” and “Beacon,” catering to urban mobility and sustainable aviation solutions. The entourage had the pleasure to visit the production line and witness all the phases of assembling of an Embraer aircraft.

ENRICH in LAC and its partners is thankful to all participants and collaborators on this Innovation Tour. Mostly, ENRICH in LAC is proud that this joint effort provided a truly ENRICHing experience to all involved, and left a stamp of quality for possible future tours and tailored experiences for members or future members.

ENRICH in LAC Twinning Programme Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:20:41 +0000

ENRICH in LAC is developing the Twinning Programme, a dynamic online gathering tailored for European and Latin American businesses seeking international expansion and aiming to enhance their capabilities in soft landing services. This event aims to foster strong connections between the LAC and European business communities. 

During this event, Soft Landing Hubs will have the opportunity to pitch about their services, organisation, regional scope and industry focus to potential clients in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, followed by a Matchmaking Sessions where SMEs can follow up on their interest instigated by the Soft landing Hubs pitches. 

Soft Landing Hubs are welcome to come pitch their ideas, and use ENRICH in LAC as a platform to gather contacts, increase cooperation and compel clients, and companies are invited to learn about foreign innovation ecosystems, network and take their first steps for internationalisation and expansion.

The event will go on for two days: 

Day 1: October 16th 2023

Day 2: October 17th 2023


  • 14:00 – 17:00 (CEST)
  • 13:00 – 16:00 (WEST)
  • 10:00 AM – 13:00  (BRT)


  Check the Agenda* (may be subject to change) below:  



Register Now:

Day 1: October 16th 2023

Day 2: October 17th 2023

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The ENRICH in LAC Innovation Tour Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:06:29 +0000

ENRICH in LAC is thrilled to announce the Innovation Tour 2023, scheduled to take place in the vibrant city of São Paulo, Brazil, from 25th to the 29th of September. This event offers a remarkable opportunity for British companies and applied research organisations to explore the dynamic Brazilian Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) landscape, alongside key stakeholders in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region.

The focal point of the tour will be São Paulo, the epicentre of Brazil’s research and innovation ecosystem. Participants will have the privilege to delve into the cutting-edge technology scene, with a special emphasis on Eco-Innovation. This priority field includes areas such as Bioeconomy, Green & Digital transition, and Renewable Energy.

The Innovation Tour 2023 is tailored for a diverse group of attendees, including innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups, applied research communities, technoparks, clusters, and representatives of various EU initiatives and projects. The event offers a unique platform for these participants to interact with major technology players in their respective fields, present their ideas, products, and services, while gaining insights into the technological landscape and challenges posed by the host organisations.

Participating in this tour offers an array of benefits, including:

  1. Establishing Valuable Contacts: Attendees will have the opportunity to expand their networks and forge connections with key players in the LAC region.
  2. Internationalisation: Companies and research entities can explore avenues to internationalise their business and research ideas, products, and services within the Brazilian market.
  3. Technology Cooperation: The event aims to enhance technological cooperation capacities, facilitating collaborations with Brazilian partners.
  4. Research and Technology Partnerships: Attendees can identify potential research and technology collaboration partners in Brazil.

Key highlights of the tour programme include:

  • Participation in the 10th International Industry Innovation Summit promoted by CNI and SEBRAE
  • A visit to the CNPEM R&I Centre
  • Internationalisation Session for SMEs to LAC countries
  • Roundtable / Innovation Talks k
  • Networking opportunities with ENRICH in LAC Association members
  • The possibility of organising additional individual meetings upon request

As ENRICH in LAC anticipates high demand for this exclusive event, interested parties are encouraged to secure their spots early. Join us!

ENRICH in LAC no 10º Congresso Internacional de Inovação da Indústria Thu, 17 Aug 2023 14:23:02 +0000 Temos o prazer de anunciar que o ENRICH in LAC estará presente no aguardado 10º Congresso Internacional de Inovação na Indústria, um evento de bandeira do ecossistema de inovação da América Latina, realizado pela CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria e o SEBRAE. A participação neste congresso imperdível fará parte da agenda para a Innovation Tour 2023 e está programado para acontecer nos dias 27 e 28 de setembro, na empolgante cidade de São Paulo.

Com sua reputação como o maior evento de inovação da América Latina, o Congresso Internacional de Inovação na Indústria atrai entusiastas e especialistas de todo o mundo, reunindo mentes brilhantes e visionárias que compartilham uma paixão comum por impulsionar a inovação. Este ano, o evento promete uma experiência híbrida, combinando networking presencial e online, para alcançar ainda mais pessoas interessadas em transformar o cenário da inovação.

O objetivo central deste congresso empolgante é fortalecer o ecossistema de inovação. Através de uma programação abrangente de painéis inspiradores e momentos de networking significativos, o evento proporcionará uma plataforma para a troca de ideias, experiências e conhecimentos entre os participantes.

Com uma ênfase especial em soluções globais de inovação, o Congresso Internacional de Inovação na Indústria contará com a presença de mais de 290 palestrantes nacionais e internacionais de destaque, compartilhando insights valiosos sobre as tendências mais recentes e as melhores práticas do setor.

Mais de 40 mil participantes estarão conectados em todo o mundo, tornando este evento uma verdadeira celebração da inovação e da partilha de conhecimento à escala global.



Não perca a oportunidade de fazer parte desta jornada transformadora de inovação. Marque estas datas no calendário – 27 e 28 de setembro – e junte-se a nós para uma experiência inigualável de aprendizado, colaboração e conexões no 10º Congresso Internacional de Inovação na Indústria, em São Paulo.

Fique atento às atualizações e detalhes adicionais sobre a programação, palestrantes e inscrições. Mal podemos esperar para recebê-lo neste evento extraordinário que moldará o futuro da inovação. Junte-se a nós e seja parte da mudança!

Saiba mais aqui.

ENRICH in LAC Webinar Market Immersion Programme, now on Youtube! Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:48:57 +0000 The Market Immersion Programme focused on cross-border entrepreneurship cooperation from Portugal and Spain to Brazil, with a specific emphasis on discussing business cooperation and networking, international support for SMEs, international market access, and innovation ecosystems.

ENRICH in LAC extends a warm thank you to all the participants and hosts who made the Market Immersion Webinar an absolute success!

  • Francisco Saião Costa from AICEP – Portugal Global
  • Rosalía Vicente Alfonso from EEN Madrid
  • José Manuel Diogo from Luso-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Alicia Shelley from IASP – International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  • Flavia Guerra from FCJ Venture Builder

Market Immersion Programme Webinar has been recorded and is now available on our YouTube channel
