Calls – Enrich in LAC Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:49:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calls – Enrich in LAC 32 32 ENRICH in LAC Innovation Challenges: BRAZIL-GERMANY TECH CHALLENGE 2023 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:16:55 +0000 BRAZIL-GERMANY TECH CHALLENGE 2023

Public and private sector players from Brazil and Germany came together to discuss bridges and synergies between both countries in innovation. ENRICH in LAC has continued efforts to bring valuable content to our audience, and this time ENRICH in LAC has brought the all-new Innovation Challenge, the Brazil-Germany Tech Challenge 2023. The goal is to run a tech challenge to connect young tech talents from Germany working on innovative solutions with renowned corporations from Brazil.

There are two challenges on the Brazil-Germany Tech Challenge 2023.

Challenge Libbs.

The aim of this challenge is to find (technologically supported) solutions to improve patient adherence to medication treatment for chronic diseases. When patients need to maintain a regular medication schedule, they may forget or not recall if they have taken their medication, leading to underdosing or overdosing. This situation impairs the effectiveness of the treatment; moreover, patients may doubt the medication’s effectiveness. Libbs is looking to find a sustainable, effective Tech solution that has the potential to be implemented throughout the whole business line while providing a positive impact on patients’ treatment and health.

Challenge Oxiteno/Indorama,

This challenge requires a tech solution that can accelerate the digitalization process, data extraction of non-standard files, and the creation of an internal database, enabling its management with partners while easing pathways for communication. Across several years of product development and implementation, a great amount of R&D data generated and stored on several types of files. This issue requires a tool that is secure, all-encompassing, and standard that is able to be tailored to the organization’s specific needs, with easy implementation in order to streamline processes and build bridges between departments.

Note: If not all requirements can be met in one tool, applicants should focus on data extraction and standardisation.

What is in it for you?

By joining these challenges, you can secure a project with a renowned Brazilian corporate organisation, moreover, it can be your entry door to the international corporate world as well as a unique cultural and business experience.


If you are a start-up based in Germany, and part of the de:hub Initiative with at least 10 years of activity, you can apply for the challenges by submitting your application.

Applications are open until November 13th. Selected applicants will be contacted by the end of November 2023.

On December 13th, there will be an online pitching event before Brazilian Corporations.

If you have any further questions, contact us.

ENRICH in LAC Call Reopen: Support in the Exploitation of Results Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:44:32 +0000 ENRICH in LAC’s Call for Support in the Exploitation of Results to provide a free-of-charge service for Horizon 2020 (H2020) and/or Horizon Europe (HEU) projects with geographical scope in Europe and/or LAC that need assistance in developing the exploitation of their project’s results (limited vacancies). 

The scope of this call focus on research and innovation (R&I) projects in sustainable urbanization, bioeconomy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or Digitalization/Industry 4.0, through High-Performance Computing (HPC) deployment, and in Renewable Energy.

  • Selected projects will be granted the opportunity of:
    • One comprehensive online workshop
    • One-on-one mentoring session, ensuring individualized attention.
  • This support will be channelled through three distinct service options:
    • Project Risk Analysis: Equip yourself with the knowledge to pinpoint risks and potential roadblocks to the fruitful exploitation of project results, both in Europe and LAC.
    • Business Plan Development: Navigate the intricacies of guiding projects towards the successful commercialization of their innovative products or services.

Deadline: 20/09/2023 by 6 pm CEST

Check the Call Document  and fill the Application Form.

ENRICH in LAC Innovation Tour to São Paulo Thu, 15 Jun 2023 10:04:38 +0000 The objective of the Innovation Tour 2023 is to provide an opportunity to European SMEs, startups, applied research organizations, clusters, and techno parks to get to know the Brazilian STI landscape and some of the main stakeholders in the LAC region. To explore the cutting-edge technology ecosystem in São Paulo within the defined priority fields.

Participants will have the chance to meet the major technology players in the sustainability and innovation fields and present their idea/product/service. The Innovation Tour is a unique networking experience that connects European entrepreneurs with companies’ agencies, funding organisations, and intermediaries in Brazil.

The programme of the Innovation Tour – happening from the 25th to 29th of September – includes the participation in the 10th International Industry Innovation Congress (from CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria) on 27-28 September 2023 in São Paulo, visits to groundbreaking industries and companies in São Paulo, training in internationalization, and more opportunities for networking and business growth.

Who can participate?
– start-ups
– research community (applied research)
– techno parks, clusters, cluster organizations
– innovative companies (SME) interested in internationalization towards the LAC region
– representatives of other EU initiatives / projects

Priority areas: Eco innovation (Bioeconomy, renewable energy, green transition & digital transition)

Limited travel support is available! Please check out the ENRICH in LAC Outreach Grants:

Important: The deadline for applications for the travel support is June 30th, 2023!

ENRICH in LAC Call: Support in the Exploitation of Results Mon, 12 Jun 2023 09:21:37 +0000 The European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs in Latin America and Caribbean (ENRICH in LAC) has opened a Call for Support in the Exploitation of Results to provide a free-of-charge service for ten (10) Horizon 2020 (H2020) and/or Horizon Europe (HE) projects with geographical scope in Europe and/or LAC that need assistance in developing the exploitation of their project’s results.

Projects with a focus on research and innovation in sustainable urbanization, bioeconomy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or Digitalization/Industry 4.0, through High-Performance Computing (HPC) deployment, and in Renewable Energy will be prioritized.

ENRICH in LAC will provide one online workshop and one mentoring session (one-on-one) to help in the exploitation of the results from finished and/or continuing research initiatives through three options of support services:

  1. Project Risk Analysis – Learn to identify the risks and potential obstacles to the exploitation of project results towards Europe and in LAC.
  2. Business Plan Development – Learn how to support projects towards commercialisation of their products or services.
  3. Assistance for Patenting – Learn the different stages of protection of intellectual property rights in LAC and/or in the EU.

The full call document can be seen here.

An Application Form is available to be downloaded and filled out with the required information.

The deadline for applications sent by email is 07/07/2023 by 7 pm CET.

European Entrepreneur Expedition: OPEN CALL Thu, 01 Jun 2023 12:13:37 +0000 The European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs in Latin America and Caribbean (ENRICH in LAC) is calling LAC entrepreneurs to join the European Entrepreneur Expedition, an immersive expedition to Porto’s innovation ecosystem to technology centres and business hubs. This open call aims to select 5 individuals.

ENRICH in LAC will reimburse necessary transportation, accommodation and sustenance expenses in Porto, Portugal, up to the pre-set cost cap of 2200€ per participant.


Applicants should follow the parameters below:

  1. The applicant must come from Latin America and Caribbean (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Uruguay), and should be involved in the investment, business, research and development ecosystem in LAC.
  2. The applicant should have knowledge and focus on one or more of the following industries: ICT – Digitalization/Industry 4.0, Renewable energy, Sustainable urbanization, Bioeconomy.
  3. Members of ENRICH in LAC can apply.

Submission and Timetable of Application

Applications must be submitted through the following Application Form, by 20/11/2023, 17:00 CET

Selected applicants will be informed by 22/11/2023.


European Entrepreneur Expedition Agenda*:

December 4th to 6th, 2023

IRIS: IRIS stands as an investor in social initiatives like few organisations do, moreover it is a relevant organisation to ENRICH in LAC and its network partners and their Social Responsibility projects. There is a major opportunity for NGOs, and for-Profit organisations to connect and nurture a longstanding relationship.  

Lionesa Business Hub: Lionesa Business Hub demonstrates the diversity of Porto’s Innovation Ecosystem, and offers ENRICH in LAC and its members an opportunity to delve into the cultural economy.

CEiiA: CEiiA is a household Technology Centre in Porto that provides great connections with multiple sectors and industries. CEiiA already has some partners in LAC already. For instances CEiiA has partnered in EMBRAERs projects previously. 

UPTEC: UPTEC is a Technology Centre connected to the University of Porto and its many fields of study and offers Soft-Landing Services to entrepreneurs and organisations looking to settle in Porto.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions with regard to the Open Call:

Check the Call Document
*Agenda subject to change
(EURAXESS LAC) PhD & Postdoc in Germany (Brasil): In person Workshop + Online Matchmaking Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:16:04 +0000 The Liaison Office São Paulo of Freie Universität Berlin, the Liaison Office for Latin America of Technical University of Munich, the Brazil Center of the University of Münster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Potsdam, Technische Universität Berlin and the Heidelberg Center Latin America of Heidelberg University cordially invite prospective post-doctoral researchers to this Opportunities Workshop for candidates from Brazil. 

The event is co-organized by the “Universities in Germany” consortium and DWIH São Paulo and is supported by DAAD Brasil, Humboldt Foundation, DFG Latin American Office and EURAXESS.

Register now for our Workshop on 27 March 2023 / 09:00 BRT at

(EURAXESS LAC) PhD & Postdoc in Germany (Chile): In person Workshop + Online Matchmaking Mon, 10 Apr 2023 14:12:20 +0000 The Liaison Office São Paulo of Freie Universität Berlin, the Liaison Office for Latin America of Technische Universität München, the Brasilien-Zentrum der WWU Münster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and Technische Universität Berlin cordially invite prospective doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to this Opportunities Workshop for candidates from Chile.
This event is made possible by DAAD – IC Santiago de Chile, hosted and co-organized by Heidelberg Center for Latin America and supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, DFG Office Latin America Office and EURAXESS.
Register now for the Workshop in Santiago de Chile (22 & 23 March 2023 – limited vacancies!)
and the Online Consultations (24 March 2023):

CONFAP apoia 1ª Chamada Transnacional Conjunta lançada pela Parceria de Economia Azul Sustentável, cofinanciada pela União Europeia Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:19:17 +0000 Parceria de Economia Azul Sustentável lançou em fevereiro de 2023, a sua 1ª Chamada Transnacional Conjunta, no âmbito do Programa-Quadro de Pesquisa e Inovação da Comissão Europeia, Horizon Europe.

A chamada tem por objetivo apoiar projetos colaborativos e transnacionais de pesquisa e inovação, abordando uma das cinco áreas prioritárias:

1- Planejamento e gestão de usos do mar em nível regional;

2- Desenvolvimento de infraestruturas marinhas offshore multiuso, para apoiar a economia azul;

3- Alimentos marinhos neutros para o clima, ambientalmente sustentáveis e eficientes em termos de recursos;

4- Transição verde da produção de alimentos marinhos; e

5- Casos de teste de Gêmeos Digitais do Oceano (Digital Twins of the Ocean – DTOs) nas bacias marítimas da União Europeia e no Oceano Atlântico.

Até o momento, participam da chamada conjunta 37 instituições de fomento de 24 países, além da Comissão Europeia, são eles: Bélgica, Brasil, Chipre, Dinamarca, Estônia, Ilhas Faroé, Finlândia, França, Alemanha, Islândia, Irlanda, Itália, Letônia, Lituânia, Malta, Noruega, Polônia, Portugal, Romênia, Eslovênia, Espanha, Suécia, Holanda e Turquia. 

Mais informações:

Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities 2023 – Coimbra Group Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:55:19 +0000 The “Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities” was launched for the first time in January 2004. This initiative, which offers grants to finance short-term research visits, aims at favouring mobility and academic exchange between the two regions, Europe and Latin America.

The Coimbra Group is an association of 41 European universities which promotes exchanges between European and Latin American researchers and academics. This call for applications for research visit grants is one of the ways in which exchanges are supported. The following Coimbra Group universities are participating in the 2023 edition of the scholarship programme:

  • University of Barcelona (Spain)
  • University of Bologna (Italy)
  • University of Coimbra (Portugal)
  • University of Cologne (Germany)
  • University of Granada (Spain)
  • University of Graz (Austria)
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania)
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
  • Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland)
  • KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • University of Padova (Italy)
  • University of Pavia (Italy)
  • University of Poitiers (France)
  • University of Salamanca (Spain)
  • University of Siena (Italy)

What is offered

Please refer to the table in this link for the specific conditions set by each Coimbra Group University participating in the Scholarship Programme.


Eligibility Criteria

Requirements for the applicants:

  • To be a national of and currently resident in a Latin American country. Candidates already living and/or studying in Europe will not be considered.
  • To hold a university degree or equivalent.
  • To be linked as a professor or researcher to a Latin American University recognised as such by the authorities of the country.
  • To use the Coimbra Group Office electronic application process. Only one application per candidate will be accepted.
  • To submit online an Acceptance Letter/email from the tutor/partner with whom the work programme will be undertaken in the host institution. This document is mandatory.
  • To be born on or after 1 January 1982.

More information:

Horizon Europe call with Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries in the BELLA network or members of RedClara) (CSA) Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:52:06 +0000 (EURAXESS LAC) R&I cooperation with Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries in the BELLA (1) network or members of RedClara (2) (CSA*).  A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies (HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01)

The proposal will enable the development of a strategic partnership in R&I with Latin America and the Caribbean including – but not limited to – areas such as Cloud, IoT and 5G. 

The proposal is expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Support implementation of commitments related to R&I resulting from digital dialogues with key countries and sub-regional organisations in LAC (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Pacific Alliance, MERCOSUR, EU-LAC Digital Economy Dialogue).
  • Develop a roadmap for future R&I cooperation with the LAC region and relevant national, regional and international funding schemes for its application.
  • Report on synergies and commonalities in policies, strategies and programmes related to R&I between the EU and partner countries.
  • Promote EU values for a human-centric digital transformation and contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

More information:
