Enrich – Enrich in LAC https://enrichinlac.eu Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:29:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://enrichinlac.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-cropped-enrich-lac-favicon-1-32x32.png Enrich – Enrich in LAC https://enrichinlac.eu 32 32 ENRICH in LAC Innovation Talks: Innovative Alternative Fuels for Aviation in Brazil (YouTube) https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-innovation-talks-innovative-alternative-fuels-for-aviation-in-brazil/ Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:30:42 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6656 On July 5th, 2023, ENRICH in LAC organized a session for the Innovation Talks with the theme Innovative Alternative Fuels for Aviation in Brazil.

The demand for fuels in Brazil is rising rapidly with an annual growth rate of around 5%. Expanding the supply of existing alternative fuels in Brazil, such as biodiesel and ethanol, cannot keep pace with this development, or could lead to increased, undesirable environmental side effects. In the National Strategy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTIC), therefore, alternative fuels are a priority in order to continue to meet growing demand with innovative technological alternatives while contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The invited experts are expected to share insights and exchange experience in their specific field of activity and discuss the potential responses actual challenges in their countries.

Watch it now:

ENRICH in LAC Webinar webinar Market Immersion Programme https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-webinar-webinar-market-immersion-programme/ Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:05:33 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6646 The webinar “Market Immersion Programme” focuses on cross-border entrepreneurship cooperation from Portugal and Spain to Brazil, with a specific emphasis on discussing business cooperation and networking, international support for SMEs, international market access, and innovation ecosystems.

This event brings together chambers of commerce, agencies, organizations, and bilateral institutions from Portugal and Spain involved in internationalization, innovation, and cooperation within Europe and Brazil.

Participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into business practices and consumer behaviour specific to relations between Iberian countries and Brazil.

SMEs from Portugal and Spain are invited to be part of this webinar and to acquire important ideas about new ventures in Brazil.

When: July 21st 2023
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM (CET) / 10:00 AM – 12 PM (BRT)

(European Innovation Council) European Prize for Women Innovators https://enrichinlac.eu/european-innovation-council-european-prize-for-women-innovators/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:54:36 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6636 For the 2023 – 2024 edition, the European Innovation Council and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology have teamed up to create a bigger and bolder European Prize for Women Innovators, with no fewer than 9 prizes to be awarded.

Applications are open until 27 September 2023 at 17:00 CET.


The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe’s most ground-breaking innovations. The prize awards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet.

The prize is managed jointly by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology. The winners are chosen by an independent expert jury.


There are three prize categories:

  • The Women Innovators prize, awarded to the most talented women innovators from across the EU and Associated Countries. The winner is awarded EUR 100 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 70 000 and EUR 50 000 respectively;
  • The Rising Innovators prize, awarded to promising young innovators under the age of 35. The winner is awarded EUR 50 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively;
  • The EIT Women Leadership Award, awarded to exceptional women leaders from the EIT Community The winner is awarded EUR 50 000, and two runners-up are awarded EUR 30 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively.

Know more about the European Prize for Women Innovators here: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/eic-prizes/european-prize-women-innovators-powered-eic-eit_en

ENRICH in LAC knowledge pill: A good practice example on innovation support services https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-knowledge-pill-a-good-practice-example-on-innovation-support-services/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 13:36:50 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6606 The aim of the Knowledge Pill is to deliver relevant content to those who follow the interests and synergies that the ENRICH in LAC initiative creates between Europe and Latin America through a dynamic and short video.

In June 2023, it was time for Andrea Kindler, Head of Funding Services at the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), to share a good practice example on innovation support services.

Watch it now:

ENRICH in LAC Innovation Talks online: Innovative Alternative Fuels for Aviation in Brazil https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-innovation-talks-online-innovative-alternative-fuels-for-aviation-in-brazil/ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:17:12 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6597 The demand for fuels in Brazil is rising rapidly with an annual growth rate of around 5%. Expanding the supply of existing alternative fuels in Brazil, such as biodiesel and ethanol, cannot keep pace with this development, or could lead to increased, undesirable environmental side effects. In the National Strategy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTIC), therefore, alternative fuels are a priority in order to continue to meet growing demand with innovative technological alternatives while contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The aim of the project is the further development of fuels from renewable energies (solar, wind, hydropower but not primarily biomass) and their conversion into aviation use in Brazil. Thus, impulses of global reach for climate protection can be set.

The invited experts are expected to share insights and exchange experience in their specific field of activity and discuss the potential responses actual challenges in their countries.

Our keynote speaker is Jürgen Kern, Project Manager at the DLR Institute of Networked Energy


·        Dr. Eng. Carlos R. Ilário da Silva, Head of Zero Emission, EMBRAER, Brazil

·        Dr.-Ing. Achim Schaadt, Head of Department Sustainable Synthesis Products; Hydrogen Technologies; Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

·        Amanda Duarte Duarte Gondim, Professor, UFRN / RBQAV, Brazil

·        Fabiola Correia, Researcher ISI SENAI Renewable Energy Intistute

On behalf of ENRICH in LAC:

Filipe Cassapo, ENRICH in LAC Association, Brazil

Marco Quirino, ENRICH in LAC Association, Brazil

Date:  05.07.2023

Time:  09:00 – 11:00 BRT

           14:00 – 16:00 CET

ENRICH in LAC Innovation Tour to São Paulo https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-innovation-tour-to-sao-paulo/ Thu, 15 Jun 2023 10:04:38 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6590 The objective of the Innovation Tour 2023 is to provide an opportunity to European SMEs, startups, applied research organizations, clusters, and techno parks to get to know the Brazilian STI landscape and some of the main stakeholders in the LAC region. To explore the cutting-edge technology ecosystem in São Paulo within the defined priority fields.

Participants will have the chance to meet the major technology players in the sustainability and innovation fields and present their idea/product/service. The Innovation Tour is a unique networking experience that connects European entrepreneurs with companies’ agencies, funding organisations, and intermediaries in Brazil.

The programme of the Innovation Tour – happening from the 25th to 29th of September – includes the participation in the 10th International Industry Innovation Congress (from CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria) on 27-28 September 2023 in São Paulo, visits to groundbreaking industries and companies in São Paulo, training in internationalization, and more opportunities for networking and business growth.

Who can participate?
– start-ups
– research community (applied research)
– techno parks, clusters, cluster organizations
– innovative companies (SME) interested in internationalization towards the LAC region
– representatives of other EU initiatives / projects

Priority areas: Eco innovation (Bioeconomy, renewable energy, green transition & digital transition)

Limited travel support is available! Please check out the ENRICH in LAC Outreach Grants:

Important: The deadline for applications for the travel support is June 30th, 2023!

ENRICH in LAC Call: Support in the Exploitation of Results https://enrichinlac.eu/enrich-in-lac-call-support-in-the-exploitation-of-results/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 09:21:37 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6582 The European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs in Latin America and Caribbean (ENRICH in LAC) has opened a Call for Support in the Exploitation of Results to provide a free-of-charge service for ten (10) Horizon 2020 (H2020) and/or Horizon Europe (HE) projects with geographical scope in Europe and/or LAC that need assistance in developing the exploitation of their project’s results.

Projects with a focus on research and innovation in sustainable urbanization, bioeconomy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or Digitalization/Industry 4.0, through High-Performance Computing (HPC) deployment, and in Renewable Energy will be prioritized.

ENRICH in LAC will provide one online workshop and one mentoring session (one-on-one) to help in the exploitation of the results from finished and/or continuing research initiatives through three options of support services:

  1. Project Risk Analysis – Learn to identify the risks and potential obstacles to the exploitation of project results towards Europe and in LAC.
  2. Business Plan Development – Learn how to support projects towards commercialisation of their products or services.
  3. Assistance for Patenting – Learn the different stages of protection of intellectual property rights in LAC and/or in the EU.

The full call document can be seen here.

An Application Form is available to be downloaded and filled out with the required information.

The deadline for applications sent by email is 07/07/2023 by 7 pm CET.

(SLH: tecnoPARQ) Brasilesia: programa de aceleração internacional envia startups brasileiras para a Polônia https://enrichinlac.eu/slh-tecnoparq-brasilesia-programa-de-aceleracao-internacional-envia-startups-brasileiras-para-a-polonia/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 09:35:35 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6576 O programa Brasilesia, uma iniciativa conjunta entre Polônia e Brasil, foi anunciado durante o South Summit Brazil, evento de inovação realizado no final de março no Rio Grande do Sul. O programa tem como objetivo apoiar startups com potencial para escalarem globalmente por meio de técnicas e estratégias de capacitação. Serão selecionadas 12 startups, seis de cada país, para um período de três meses de treinamento, que incluirá workshops e webinars.

As startups selecionadas receberão apoio de parceiros de programas especiais para o segmento, cujo foco é ajudá-las a superar as barreiras legais no início da internacionalização. O Brasilesia é fruto de um acordo de cooperação inicialmente formado entre a Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), por meio do tecnoPARQ, e a região da Silésia, na Polônia, aos quais se juntaram atores do Paraná. Além do tecnoPARQ/UFV e das associações polonesas, os fundos de investimentos venture capital poloneses (INVENTO VC), KSSE (Katowice Economic Zone), e a empresa polonesa especializada na transferência e comercialização de tecnologia SPINUS, o programa conta hoje com apoio e participação da Assespro-PR, do Governo de Minas Gerais, do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Integrado de Minas Gerais (INDI), da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) e da Rede Europeia de Centros e Hubs de Pesquisa e Inovação na América Latina e no Caribe (ENRICH).

O Brasil é um celeiro de startups, com cerca de 12 mil empresas em atividade, sendo a maioria atuante no setor de Tecnologia da Informação. A Polônia, por sua vez, concentra o maior polo de startups da Europa. O programa de aceleração internacional é fruto do International Urban and Regional Cooperation Program, do qual Paraná e Minas Gerais participaram, estabelecendo relações com a região polonesa da Silésia.

É importante destacar que o programa Brasilesia é totalmente gratuito para as startups selecionadas e que as inscrições estão abertas até o dia 18/06/2023. Se você tem uma startup com potencial para escalar globalmente, não perca essa oportunidade!

Acesse o link https://www.brasilesia.com para mais informações e inscreva-se agora mesmo.

(Latin America IP SME Helpdesk) Business opportunities & Intellectual Property in South America https://enrichinlac.eu/latin-america-ip-sme-helpdesk-business-opportunities-intellectual-property-in-south-america/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:42:40 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6573 With a population of more than 650 million inhabitants, 33 countries and four large trading blocks (Central America, the Andean Community, the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur), Latin America is a very attractive market for European SMEs that want to expand their sales areas, find new business opportunities or start in a growing industry, which has an abundance of public and raw material in Latin America.

In this context, protecting the brand and knowing how to manage the innovation generated is key to differentiating yourself from other competitors and doing so in a sustainable manner.

Join our webinar, organized together with State of Bavaria Office for South America and AHK -Chile, to learn about the economic challenges and opportunities that EU SMEs might find in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, as well as their particularities in terms of Intellectual Property, and learn how to make this a lucrative business tool throughout the process (from creation to sale, through production and distribution).

WHEN? 13 June 2023 | 15:00 CEST

AGENDA & REGISTRATION HERE: https://app.livestorm.co/latin-america-ip-sme-helpdesk/intellectual-property-in-south-america?type=detailed

European Union – Latin America and the Caribeean Dialogue on Open Access Policies https://enrichinlac.eu/european-union-latin-america-and-the-caribeean-dialogue-on-open-access-policies/ Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:23:35 +0000 https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/?p=6565 Bi-Regional Conference on Open Access in an Open Science Environment

6-7 June 2023

The overall objective of the Bi-Regional Conference on Open Access in an Open Science Environment is to contribute to reinforce the EU–LAC cooperation in research and innovation, to gain a better, mutual understanding of current policies and implementation of open science in the two regions and to identify opportunities for collaboration and further alignment. The specific objectives are:

✓ To enhance common open science approaches and to promote compatible visions between the main R&I actors in the two regions through a mutual learning approach.
✓ To identify common challenges and complementarity of approaches towards open science practices and to explore possible joint actions.
✓ To promote a better understanding in the EU of the non-commercial decentralized open access digital infrastructures developed in the LAC region through a direct contact with their main actors.
✓ To jointly discuss possible paths for a more coordinated approach for enabling open access to scientific results across LAC region and the EU
✓ To explore further collaboration initiatives for a coordinated implementation of the open science policies in the EU and LAC region.

  • Speakers: R&I decision makers and high-level OA policy implementation agents from the LAC countries and the EC.
  • Participants: R&I decision makers, funding agencies, research performing organizations and assessment institutions from the LAC countries and the EC, diamond open access publishers, repository managers, OA policy implementation actors, researchers, librarians, stakeholders of the open science paradigm, and civil society representatives.
  • Language: Spanish. Interpretation services for English and Portuguese will be available.

Read here the complete information.

Check here the final agenda of the event.

More information about how to register: please contact Anneken Reise (Anneken.Reise@dlr.de)
