1st General Meeting of the EEN Brasil Consortium

The meeting took place in Brasilia (DF) on the 25th of January, 2023. Marco Quirino, Executive Director of ENRICH in LAC, was present at the event.

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) was created in 2008 by the European Commission and its main objective is to promote the growth of small and medium-sized businesses.

The services offered through EEN are free and are focused on supporting the innovation, technology transfer and internationalization of companies, technical institutes and public institutions.

EEN Brasil is a consortium coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), with the copartnership of Embrapii and Enrich in LAC, and the participation of public and private entities as permanent members (ABCASA, ACIC, APEX BRASIL, BRAFIP, FACISC, IJEX, MOBICAXIAS and OBME). The main objective of the group is to increase the visibility of Brazilian companies abroad and the participation of European SMEs in the local market.

The main objectives of EEN Brasil are:

  • Facilitate the promotion of business, technology transfer, research and innovation international partnerships; Attract investment to Brazil and to the EU;
  • Find strategic partners to carry out actions to promote International Businesses and Innovation in the local industry.

ENRICH in LAC is very proud to be on the coordination of EEN Brasil, and looking forward for future opportunities.

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